该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2010-2-10 13:52 只看TA 31楼 |
these girls, celebrity, what r they and who r they? i call them slut. why? coz they go these party becoz money, but they know it dangerous. after drunk, no matter who u r, ur fox tail will still show everyone. man, what he different between them and hooker? |
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vivi1203 发表于 2010-2-10 14:00 只看TA 32楼 |
舒淇那张图 旁边不正是久违的咱门的陈老师嘛 挖哈哈 做明星不容易 哪有不被揩点油的 男人都是好色的 尤其是有钱的男人更色 不给好处 谁真会为了艺术给你钱拍戏呢 |
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xiaolong0330 发表于 2010-2-10 16:11 只看TA 39楼 |
自从出现阿娇那件事后,我就开始觉得娱乐圈出现这些事已经可以说见怪不怪了 |
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